Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Feb. 1st.

It is, indeed, a reat pity that I have not, as I intended, faithfuly journaled these past months abroad; there are somethings now lost to the uncouncious side of memory, only to be seen as they affect my current thoughts. However, enough said on that for the moment. If I desire to relate information other than the reasons why I have not previously related other information, it would quickly grow tedious.
After a rather enjoyable and somewhat late saturday evening with Dana and Amy ( E.S. from Illinois and Canada, respectivly) at the movies, and then later with Aaron( southern Oregon) Ryan (washington) and some newbies( exchange slang for the "other" hemisphere people who just got here), I awoke as the call to lunch echoed through the house in a way that only Baschi could manage.

Still a bit sleepy, I descended the network of staircases reqired of my dinningroom visit. There, I appreciated our meal as one with proper hunger is apt to do, and was informed, during the course of this pleasurable task, that we, the entire family(Baschi, Erne, and myself)would be attempting this a afternoon a march through the cold, snowy, but nonetheless, great outdoors.

and so we did...

As you can see, neither Switzerland nor Mt Shasta has a complete monopoly on a certain snowy-evergreen look.

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